Saibarakatte, also spelled as Saibrakatte - Google / Google Maps spells it as Sibrakatte , is classified as a village within Yethady Panchayat limits. Honestly it is not village anymore, as of now bigger than a village but smaller than a small town. Saibarakatte is a junction of 2 roads, one of which connects Kota ( Near Saligrama,Karnataka ) to Jannavaru Katte. The other road starts from Brahmavar and can be used to go to Sirsi / Sagara. In fact there are numerous goods carriers / Gas Cylinder Transporters using the above mentioned route for transporting goods from Mangalore to Sirsi , Shimoga and beyond.
Saibarakatte is
Since Saibarakatte is connected with extensive roads, in multiple directions, there are public bus services to not only local towns and city, but even to places like Bangalore and Mumbai. Since the nearest railway station is in Barkur *, which is just 6 Km from Saibarakatte, you can avail train services to Bangalore, Mumbai, Goa, Kerala and to even North India. The nearest Airport from Saibarakatte, is in Mangalore, which has air services within India as well as to International destinations like Dubai.
Udupi to Saibarakatte / Saibarakatte to Udupi Route
Route:- Saibarakatte -> Yedthady -> Barkur -> Brahmavar -> Santhekatte -> Udupi.To reach Saibarakatte, there are lot of buses plying from Udupi every hour or so during the day time. The bus service towards Udupi starts right from around 6.30 AM onwards and the last bus to Saibrakatte ( from Udupi ) is around 9.30 PM. Buses ply frequently ( every half hour ) or so from 7.30 AM onwards to cater to School - College and Office goers upto 9.30 AM or so. The first bus from Udupi is around 7.30 AM, leaving Udupi around 7 AM. Majority of the bus plying through Saibarakatte are Private buses operated by Bus Companies like Durgamaba etc. There are only around 4 bus trips by Govt Buses ( KSRTC ). The buses are crowded during the peak hours, which are in the morning 7.30 to 9.30 AM and in the evenings between 5 to 7.30 PM. Saibarakatte is just a transit point for most of these buses, they orginate from Udupi ( which is the district HQ ) and pass through Brahmavar, Barkur before reaching Saibarakatte and moving on towards Siddapura etc. There are buses which even go to Sirsi and Shimoga ( Shivamogga ) on the same route. All these buses are express buses and have very few limited stops in between.
Saibrakatte to Kundapur Bus Route
Route:- Saibarakatte -> Kota -> Koteshwar -> Kundapur.There are private buses from Saibrakatte to Kundapur every hour or so, most of them start off from Jannavru Katte or Mandarthi. They pass through Saibarakatte, as it is a junction they wait for 5 mins for passengers mostly. The buses are full during school / college peak hours, in morning and evening, as lot of students from Saibrakatte go to Viveka High School / PU College in Kota, Saligrama.
Saibarakatte has overnight bus service to Bangalore only and all of them are private buses, starting off from other places. They pickup passengers on the way to Bangalore. You can book the tickets in Saibrakatte, through the booking agents in Saibarakatte or through online bus ticket booking services. The boarding time for buses to Bangalore is from around 9 PM onwards.
If you want to travel to Bangalore using KSRTC bus services, you will have to book the tickets for boarding from Udupi, which has the KSRTC bus stand closest to Saibarakatte.
If you want bus services to Mumbai, the closest boarding point is Brahmavar, which is around 12 Kms from Saibarakatte. There are many booking agents in Brahmavar and the buses start off from Mangalore / Udupi in the afternoon. So the boarding time will be in the afternoon for buses to Mumbai. Again most of these buses are operated by private bus services.
The nearest train service for Saibrakatte residents is at Barkur, which is 6 Kms away. You have trains to Bengaluru, Kerala, Goa, Mumbai and beyond upto New Delhi passing through Barkur railway station, but only a few of them stop here. The other Major railway station is at Udupi, where The stop is only for a couple of minutes.Saibarakatte, also spelled as Saibrakatte - Google / Google Maps spells it as Sibrakatte , is classified as a village within Yethady Panchayat limits. Honestly it is not village anymore, as of now bigger than a village but smaller than a small town.